Questioning the authorship of the artist as well as the means by which institutions and politics shape the artist’s career, visibility and value, Panos Sklavenitis will address his own tactics of self-promotion and albeit futile and a priori weak attempts of trying to be seen and heard. A presentation will follow based on a work in progress, the third part in a series of works called how to be seen (and heard).


Panos Sklavenitis was born and brought up in Ulysses’ island, Ithaka. That’s why he knows the Greek sun and the Greek sea very well. When he was little he attended PIKPA primary school, known, amongst other, for offering education to kids with special needs. Until very recently Sklavenitis didn’t know that PIKPA was such an institution. As the artists of the Russian avant-guard Sklavenitis served for many years the applied arts as a graphic designer, until he decided that fine arts is also ok. He is interested in masquerade, satire, overidentification and performative methods. He is closely collaborating with anthropologists and archeologists in order to study how subjects opperate in the culture industry and other civilized subjects. Sklavenitis is an experienced teacher, as for many years now makes his living as a drawing teacher. He frequently uses his students in his projects.

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